Your Will can carry on your support for the causes closest to your heart. By including Royal Devon Hospitals Charity in your Will you can write a forever thank you with a gift that will change lives for years to come, ensuring future generations can benefit from the very best health care and latest equipment at your local hospitals.
Why your Will matters?
Making a Will is the best way to guarantee that your family, friends and chosen charities receive what you’ve decided to leave them. By not having a Will, you will have no control over what happens to your estate after your death, which could cause unnecessary stress for your loved ones.
By leaving a gift to Royal Devon Hospitals Charity in your Will, you can leave a legacy to the hospital, ward or service most valued to you for years to come.
Our promises to you:
- We appreciate that your family and loved ones will always come first.
- We will respect your wish to assign a gift to a specific hospital, ward or service.
- We will handle whatever gift you leave to us efficiently and sensitively, so that it can have the maximum impact on the hospitals, wards or services you choose to support.
- We understand you have the right to change your mind about a gift in your Will at any time.
- We understand that your Will is completely personal to you. You don’t have to tell us your decision – we respect your right to privacy.
What kind of gift can you leave?
The three most common types of gifts left in Wills are:
Residuary Gift
The residue (or a proportion of the residue) of an estate after all other gifts, debts and expenses have been paid.
Pecuniary Gift
This is a fixed sum. This is paid out before the residue of your estate is calculated.
Specific Gift
A particular asset, for example an investment, property or jewellery.
Speak to our team
To discuss leaving a gift in your Will, please give us a call on 01392 402040 or email rduh.legacy@nhs.net
If you need to get in touch about the administration of an estate, or to pay in a legacy gift, please contact rduh.legacy@nhs.net and the relevant member of staff will get in touch to support.
Have you already left a gift in your Will? If so, please get in touch as we would love to say thank you properly.