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Going over and above for your local NHS

Royal Devon Hospitals Charity is the new name for Over and Above and the RD&E Charity

The charities have joined forces following the merger of the Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust and Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust in April 2022.

Same charity. Different name. Double the fundraising power for YOUR local NHS!

We stand proudly alongside the Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust to champion exceptional care, innovation and compassion. And we believe in the power of community and the profound impact we can have to provide facilities for hospitals, health services and NHS staff across north, mid, central and eastern Devon, over and above what’s possible with NHS funding.

Together, we can do brilliant things for our local hospitals. Expert medical care …every day, every night, every patient, every condition, every ward, every step of the way.

Raising money for Royal Devon’s NHS Hospitals

Raising money
for Royal Devon’s
NHS Hospitals