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Exercises classes

Exercises classes

Keeping active can also be extremely beneficial to patients during their cancer journey which is why at the Fern Centre we have introduced some low impact exercise classes which patients can access free of charge.  These classes include:


Yoga is a form of gentle exercise involving a range of poses or stretches together with breathing exercises to help promote wellbeing and bringing together mind and body.  Breast surgery can sometimes cause restrictions to movement so these sessions have been specifically designed to be accessible to patients post-surgery. Our Volunteer, Lorna is trained in cancer specific yoga and is able to adapt her sessions to suit all abilities.  Yoga sessions are held every Monday afternoon at 1.30 p.m. and 2.45 p.m.

If you would like to get involved with any of our classes please speak to your clinical team or one of our volunteers in the Fern Centre so they can complete a referral for you. When we receive your referral we will need to check with your clinical team to make sure there are no risks to you participating in these classes and provided there are no issues, you will be contacted with more details.

Before participating in any of these exercises please check with your clinical team to make sure it is safe for you to do so.

Pictures (Lorna, Yoga Instructor)

Vista Wellbeing have kindly shared some short exercise videos you can try at home to help stay active.

Volunteers needed

We are looking to increase the number of exercise classes available to our patients as well as their relatives or carers. If you are a trained instructor and were interested in volunteering with use please contact us on ndht.theferncentre@nhs.net

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