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Information on cancer

Information on cancer

There is a huge amount of information to digest when diagnosed with cancer which could leave you with lots of questions and things on your mind which may not be answered during your appointment.

At the Fern Centre we have a wide range of reading materials and booklets to help support you during your cancer journey.  These booklets include information regarding diagnosis, treatment and symptoms as well as information about staying healthy during treatment, nutrition and diet, financial support, relationships, fertility and sexual health, body image and intimacy, caring for someone with cancer, travel and much more.

The Fern Centre can also offer an opportunity for face-to-face support from our Centre volunteers who can provide that listening ear, sign-post to services that may be helpful to you and also complete any referrals to access these services.

How to access this information

To access this information please drop in to the Fern Centre where one of our lovely volunteers will be happy to help find the information you need.

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